This page is maintained by @Henning.

TL;DR: this page explains how we communicate internally, including our guidelines of regular meetings and our feedback culture.

Regular meetings

Good communication is key for any team, and this is even more true for (partly) remote teams.

🗓 Weekly Planning

To ensure that everyone is working on tasks that matter, we encourage team leads to meet with each team member once per week. The purpose of these weeklies is to clarify objectives and to specify and prioritize tasks for the following week. It's the responsibility of the team leads to ensure these meetings take place - a recurring calendar event usually works best.

🤝 All-Hands

On the last Thursday of every month, we come together to check-in on our progress regarding the company and team goals (OKRs). It’s a space where each department can share their successes and updates, which ensures that everyone in the team is on the same page.

🙋🏽‍♀️ Daily Stand-Up

A Stand-up is a space where everyone can share what they're working on, align with other team members, ask for help or give updates on topics that concern the team. A Stand-up is short, takes place daily, and everyone can participate. Every department has their own Department Stand-up.

🏛️ Town Hall

On the second Thursday of every month, we come together in an open, question-focused format that allows everyone in the team to raise concerns, ask questions and get more detailed information from the founders on whatever is interesting to them. It’s a safe space for discussion, exchange and challenging the status quo.

Meeting Culture

In a remote team, it's even more important than usual to have a robust and productive meeting culture. This means that they should be scheduled beforehand, have a clear agenda and responsibilities, and minutes.

How to run effective meetings in 10 steps